Monkey Face by Frank Asch (Adapted for the white board)
One day at school, MONKEY painted a picture of his mother.
(Draw monkey face)
On the way home, he stopped to show his picture to OWL.
“Nice picture,” said OWL. “But you made her eyes too small.”
(Add larger eyes in yellow)
“How’s this?” Asked MONKEY?
“Much better,” said Owl.
When MONKEY saw RABBIT sunning himself, he held up the picture for him to see.
“Looks just
like her,” said RABBIT, “except the ears are too small.”
(Make larger ears in blue)
“How’s that?” Asked MONKEY?
“Big improvement,” said RABBIT.
At the riverbank, MONKEY found CROCODILE and showed the picture to her.
“Pretty,” said
CROCODILE, “But she hasn’t got much of a mouth.”
(Add large mouth with teeth in red)
“How’s that?” Asked MONKEY?
“Beautiful,” said CROCODILE.
As he walked on, MONKEY met ELEPHANT and showed him the picture.
“Good likeness,” said
ELEPHANT, “But her nose is almost invisible.”
(Add long nose in black)
“How’s that?” Asked MONKEY?
“Unforgettable,” said ELEPHANT.
MONKEY couldn’t wait for LION to see his picture.
“You’re a born artist,” said LION, “except
for one thing – you’ve forgotten her fluffy mane.”
(Add curly hair in purple)
“How’s that?” Aasked MONKEY?
“Most becoming,” said LION.
When he was almost home, MONKEY saw GIRAFFE and let him look at the picture.
perfect,” said GIRAFFE, “but her neck needs to be a little longer.”
(Add long orange neck with square spots)
“How’s that?” Asked MONKEY?
“Truly elevating,” said GIRAFFE.
MONKEY ran the rest of the way home. His lunch was all ready and his mother was waiting for
him. “Look what I made for you in school, today,” he said. “A picture of you!”
“I love it!” Said his mother.
“Just the way it is?” Asked MONKEY?
“Just the way it is,” replied his mother. And she hung the beautiful picture on the refrigerator
door for everyone to see.